Saturday 20 September 2014

Change of plan.

My original plan for my course work was to create a music video within the indie pop genre to Nina Nesbitts song Way in the world hence why I have the start of my planning and research process. However, I over came some problems that made me change my idea. I set out to create a summery video involving a group of friends doing various activities including being at the beach, taking selfies together and having my main actress playing the guitar. due to course work demands within my blog I didn't get to fulfil my plan as summer passed and the video would not of worked. So, I decided to team up with my friend Lewis and we have decided to create a dance video to Show me love - Festival remix. I believe I made the right decision in what to do as we have already got a lot of really good footage that I think will help up create our video to the best of our ability.

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