Thursday 4 September 2014

Music video analysis: Gotye - Somebody that i used to know.

This music video refers to one of Andrew Goodwin's points within his theory as the lyrics relate the visuals. The performance video creates a creative, abstract story. The lyrics relate to the visuals as throughout the video we see the two performers becoming more camouflaged by the artistic background, representing the message of the song, which I believe means becoming distant from your partner and having conflict within a relationship driving the narrative of the video forward. The simplicity of the video really highlights this.

Throughout the video we don't particularly see many shots,  however making it easier for the audience to follow the narrative behind the video. It generally ranges from mid shots to close ups thus being done to put emphasis on the characters emotion due to the song reflecting on a couples relationship problems. In one shot were we see the couple together for the first time is really important, the camera slowly zooms out as Kimberly sings. She then goes onto say 'but I don't want to live that way' as doing so she removes her self from blending in from the abstract background, again this is another driving force for the narrative just from a simple two shot. Perhaps this scene also refers to the lyric 'But you didn't have to cut me off' as she removes or 'cuts herself off' from the background scene.
 I realised throughout the video none of the characters are wearing any clothes this represents the vulnerability and sadness portrayed throughout; highlighting the mood and atmosphere.

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