Monday 8 September 2014

Music video analysis: Paramore - The Only Exception.

Initially when i heard this song it instantly suggested to me that its about love and the damage it can inflict on a person. The title of the song (the only exception) clearly tells us despite the problems you face within a relationship one person will always be worth it. The songs also tells us about her mother and fathers divorce with the lyrics "when i was younger i saw my daddy cry and curse at the wind"

The narrative mainly focuses on portraying different stages of someones relationship from one persons perspective considering someone as 'the only exception'. At the start of the video we see the lead singer Hayley Williams laid on the sofa with what we presume to be her boyfriend followed by her leaving a note saying 'im sorry'. This seems purposely done as it links to the first line we hear 'when i was younger i saw my daddy cry and curse at the wind' suggesting of her fathers divorce and heartache knowing what shes going to be putting her boyfriend through by leaving him. During the chorus we see Hayley laid on the floor as the camera zooms out we see her surrounded by love notes suggesting her loved one thinks highly of her.

Following up this chorus we see the band performing in dark clothing making Hayley stand out due to her orange hair. The mise en scene plays a very important role during this point in the video as the empty frames put emphasis on the fact hayley has something missing from her life. The set up of the video is very clever as we follow Hayley on a journey as such. As she moves into the next room we see her on a date with several different people which link to the lyrics 'i had sworn to myself that im content with loneliness.' After going through numerous scenes shes runs back in time through them all back to the start where she rips up the note she left and lays back on the couch obviously suggesting that she was just confused about what she wanted but has realised she has everything she needs. The song then finishes with the lyrics 'im on my way to believing'.

The camera tracks very slowly with Hayley as she moves into different rooms linking to the song as the its a slow song in itself. The camera zooms in on her face showing emphasis on how content she is. Tracking shots as mostly used within the video to show and follow the journey Hayley is taking on and to also help the audience focus more on the narrative on the music video.

Mise en scene
Throughout the video it appears to keep a similar high keys lighting throughout but also some low keys lighting to highlight the mood and atmosphere putting into perspective how Hayley is feeling throughout, perhaps shes feels in a dark place at some points?

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