Thursday 11 September 2014

Music video analysis: Lana Del Rey - Born to die.

Lana Del Reys video 'Born to die' slightly in a way contradicts Goodwin's theory as it doesnt include and intertextual references. By not including any reference to different texts such as film; the video forces the audience to focus on the onscreen visuals. Although this contradicts Goodwins theory it perhaps creates the audience to engage and keeps their interest as indie music videos attempt to keep things unique and quirky highlighting the fact that she does not follow mainstream trends, which i believe attracts her audience.

In the first shot we see Lana hugging a male standing infront of the American flag, which has connotations of loyalty and faith, these are also connotations of love. However, the tattooed man shows connotations of mystery and danger. Lana stares directly into the camera whilst the male keeps his eyes closed this suggests to the audience perhaps there is romantic involvement here that has underlying problems.

The next shot we are shown is what we believe to be a palace. The camera pans down to show Lana sat upon a thrown, this implies shes royalty and has alot of power. The tigers shown sat beside her emphasize this even more. When referring to the mise en scene we see her dressed in a white dress which has connotations of purity, suggesting shes rebelling against her status for this mysterious man we saw at the start.

Following up the next clip we begin to realise this is a typical clique. We see the man from the begging leaning against his car, smoking appearing as the expected 'bad boy' as he looks lower class to Lana we suspect she is running away being the rebellious girl we expect. The Lighting within the frame is dark suggesting they're not allowed to be seen together. Furthermore, when she drops her bag and hugs him it tells the audience they haven't seen each other in a while.

Throughout the video it cuts back and forth of her and the male acting rebellious and in love to Lana sat upon her thrown, perhaps suggesting her reminiscence of the past with him. For example when they share a passionate kiss it instantly cross cuts back to a close up of Lana dressed in her white 'purity' dress. During this scene we see her looking rather restless or uncomfortable in her facial expression this is followed by showing the male putting a cigarette in her mouth, This tell the audience there is a relation between the lyrics and the visuals as it suggests she feel uncomfortable reminiscing about what he used to make her do.

Throughout we see this story of dangerous love story being told, or so we think, At the end of the video it takes us back to the very first shot where we see Lana and the male hugging. To me this has been done in a very clever manner to let the audience interpret there story into how they want it.

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