Monday 27 October 2014

Music video analysis - I got a feeling

 "I Gotta Feeling" is a dance song by American group Black Eyed Peas. Released 21st May 2009 it debuted at #1 in almost every country it was released in and has sold over 1.3 million copies in the UK alone. It was taken as there second single from fifth studio album The E.N.D. We believe it's a good music video to research from because it fits into our genre of dance and it's also a mainstream chart song.

The narrative of the music video is people getting ready, going to a party, having a good time, dancing and drinking which is almost like our narrative for our music video. This is why this video is a good research example because it follows the same storyline. This narrative is conventional of dance genre music videos which is why we will follow these conventions in our music video.

The editing in this music video is very face-paced to match the beat of the music, this is another common norm for dance videos as it wants to keep up with the music but also it makes the music video seem more vibrant and energetic to match the music which links to one of Andrew Goodwin's Theory that the visuals match the music. Our editing will take inspiration from this, having very fast editing to follow the conventions of dance genre. Also the lyrics match up with Andrew Goodwin's Theory for example when they sing about "partying" it shows them partying.

The sound of the song is very fast-beat, electronic and digital which is usual for dance songs and the same for our song which we have picked.

The mise-en-scene also follows dance genre conventions with it being at night time and so will ours, the setting being at a party likewise with ours. The lighting is very dark with flashes of bright colours. The props are lots of drinks, UV paint their costume for girls in particular are skimpy which relates back to Goodwin's Theory that females come across seductively towards the camera and that they're selling there music through sex appeal, which because it's a convention of not just dance but pop, RnB as well we will follow this concept.

The camera work is mostly handheld which a lot of ours will be because it makes it seem more 'real', they will be lots of camera movement to keep it more interesting for the viewer and lots of zooms to emphasise certain aspects of the video which we will also do on our video, it also has the use of slow motion which is one of the main reasons we use researched this video because we particularly liked this aspect of the video and we will be using this as a motivation for ours. The camera uses a variety of different camera shots such as close ups of the artists which we will also use.

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