Thursday 11 December 2014

Digipak analysis. Chris Brown - Fame.

Front cover

The first thing the audience notices is the central image which we understand to be the main singer. The direct eye contact and harsh look makes Brown appear confident, highlighting his masculinity which is typically stereotyped (looks are important) within the dance genre. The way the album is designed tells us that this genre focuses a lot on the image of the artist rather than the music as previously mentioned. Also, the artist doesn't posses any instruments which makes us believe that album revolves just around Chris Browns voice. The graffiti style back drop represents street life as such, and connotes an urban life style, which in linked to this genre. The back drop also includes many images of the artist performing, putting emphasis on his multiple talents such as dancing which is very common within dance music videos. Although the album is very hectic the typography plays an important role bringing the album together the title 'F.A.M.E' suggests that fame is his focus point. Also, the graffiti style text runs parallel with the theme throughout.

Back cover

The back cover contradicts the front in certain ways. We see Chris at a long shot with a mask covering his face and looking away from the camera suggesting he doesn't want his identity revealed this could perhaps relate to his past in his personal life with ex partner Rihanna, suggesting he doesn't want to be in the lime light. Although, the stance we see Chris stood in shows confidence relating back to the image on the front cover. Even thought the pink background doesn't particularly fit the graffiti theme within the front cover it enables the black text to stand out more not allowing the album design to become dull allowing it to stay attractive to the audiences eye.

Inside (CD)

Again, we see another different colour scheme within the CD, but it works well. The black on white creates a strong contrast enhancing the image and bringing it to the foreground. Browns stance is again strong and confident reflecting on his own personality. The text is consistent in comparison to the front cover keeping the urban graffiti style, running alongside his genre of music. Even though, the colour of his name is a dull colour in relation to the front cover but it works well with the black/white scheme.

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