Friday 6 March 2015

Our artists name - audience feedback.

An artists name is very important in any genre of music. The name should be catchy allowing it to stick in your audiences mind. It should also highlight the musis they produce. So, in our case we have a solo female artist of the dance/poop genre. Through research and planning we discovered that alot of solo females vary in there name choices such as keeping your real name like Cheryl or to completely changing to what is called a stage name such as Charli XCX.

For our own audience research we decided to give four of names that varied from our 'singers' real name to stage names. (shown in table above). For our two stage names we choose Kayte X and Katie KX. our reasoning in choosing these is because we belived the names are striking and and stands out especially 'Kayte X' as its spelt differently to how it is usually. We also agreed on adding an X at the end of these names as it makes them appear more girly, which for this genre the female is often percieved as. The other option we used was our singers birth name, Kate Seeley. We had this as an option as we believed it was simple yet catchy. Finally, our last name option was Kate Kash as we believed the allitertion would make it more memorable and also 'Kash' could be seen as slang spelling for cash, connoting money and fame which is what celebrities are seen for.

However audience feedback has proven that Kate Seeley was the most popular with 46.88% of the overall votes. Coming in second closest was Kayte X and Katie Kash both with 18.75% but each was still a huge 28.13% difference from Kate Seeley. Our audiences least favourite was Katie KX with only 15.63% choosing this name. So, with help from our audience we decided to go with Kate Seeley which we always origionally thought was catchy/girly and appropriate for our female solo dance artist.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Shot table.

Musical Intro
9 Seconds (0:05 – 0:14)
Mid Shot (Tracking), Low angle (panning), Camera tilting
Heartbreaks and promises, I’ve had more than my share
5 Seconds (0:14 – 19)
Extreme close up
Musical Break
2 Seconds (0:19 – 0:21)
Extreme close up
I’m tired of giving my love and getting nowhere, nowhere
8 Seconds (0:21 – 0:29)
Close up (handheld, zoom in & out), Mid Shot (panning)
What I need is somebody who really cares
6 Seconds (0:29 – 0:35)
Mid Shot (handheld)
Musical Break
1 Seconds (0:35 – 0:36)
Close Up (Tracking)
I really need a lover, a lover who wants to be there
7 Seconds (0:36 – 0:43)
Over the shoulder (handheld), High angle (camera tilting)
It’s been so long since I touched a wanting hand
6 Seconds (0:43 – 0:49)
Mid shot, Mid shot (zoom in & out), Mid Shot (High Angle)
Musical Break
2 Seconds (0:49 – 0:51)
Close Up (High angle)
I can’t put my love on the line, that I hope you’ll understand
7 Seconds (0:51 – 0:58)
Close Up (Handheld)
So baby if you want me
2 Seconds (0:58 – 1:00)
Extreme Long Shot
Musical Break
1 Second (1:00 – 1:01)
Mid Shot (Tracking)
You’ve got to show me love
4 Seconds (1:01 – 1:05)
Close Up (Low Angle)
Musical Break
1 Second (1:05 – 1:06)
Mid Shot
Words are so easy to say, oh ah yeah
4 Seconds (1:06 – 1:10)
Long Shot (Panning, Pull Focus)
You’ve got to show me love
3 Seconds (1:10 – 1:13)
Mid Shot (Tracking, handheld)
Musical Break
11 Seconds (1:13 – 1:24)
Mid Shot (Zooms In)
You’ve got to show me love
4 Seconds (1:24 – 1:28)
Over The Shoulder Shot
Musical Break
30 Seconds (1:28 – 1:58)
Close Up, Mid Shot, Extreme Close Up, Two Shot, Wide Shot, Low Angle, High Angle, Canted Angle, Panning, Tracking, Zooms in & out
You’ve got to show me love
2 Seconds (1:58 – 2:00)
Extreme Close Up
Musical Break
12 Seconds (2:00 – 2:12)
Close Up, Mid Shot, Extreme Close Up, Two Shot, Wide Shot, Low Angle, High Angle, Canted Angle, Panning, Tracking, Zooms in & out
You’ve got to show me love
3 Seconds (2:12 – 2:15)
Close Up, Mid Shot, Extreme Close Up, Two Shot, Wide Shot, Low Angle, High Angle, Canted Angle, Panning, Tracking, Zooms in & out
Musical Break
16 Seconds (2:15 – 2:31)
Close Up, Mid Shot, Extreme Close Up, Two Shot, Wide Shot, Low Angle, High Angle, Canted Angle, Panning, Tracking, Zooms in & out
Ahhh... Yeah yeah
9 Seconds (2:31 – 2:40)
Extreme Close Up
You’ve got to show me love
3 Seconds (2:40 – 2:43)
Close Up, Mid Shot, Extreme Close Up, Two Shot, Wide Shot, Low Angle, High Angle, Canted Angle, Panning, Tracking, Zooms in & out
Musical Break
14 Seconds (2:43 – 2:57)
Close Up, Mid Shot, Extreme Close Up, Two Shot, Wide Shot, Low Angle, High Angle, Canted Angle, Panning, Tracking, Zooms in & out
You’ve got to show me love
3 Seconds (2:57 – 3:00)
Close Up, Mid Shot, Extreme Close Up, Two Shot, Wide Shot, Low Angle, High Angle, Canted Angle, Panning, Tracking, Zooms in & out
Musical Break
26 Seconds (3:00 – 3:26)
Close Up, Mid Shot, Extreme Close Up, Two Shot, Wide Shot, Low Angle, High Angle, Canted Angle, Panning, Tracking, Zooms in & out
You’ve got to show me love
3 Seconds (3:26 – 3:29)
Over the shoulder
Musical Exit
4 Seconds (3:29 – 3:33)
Over the shoulder

Thursday 29 January 2015

Choice of song.

For our A2 music video we wanted to use an upbeat song as when we researched previous students work we found that more than often they used slow songs which we believed made them slightly dull and boring with the pace of the editing making them repetitive. When taking this is into consideration we decided to use the song Show Me Love (festival remix) by Michael Mind Project. We did this as we knew we would be using fast paced editing so we knew our music video would be interesting and different. Although, we knew it would be harder to edit as we would have to use a variety of shots/camera angles but in the end we knew it would be rewarding.